Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Operations: Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Penetration
2025Abdul Rahman, Christopher Redino, Dhruv Nandakumar, Tyler Cody, Sachhin Shetty, and Dan Radke
In Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Operations: Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Penetration Testing, a team of distinguished researchers delivers an incisive and practical discussion of reinforcement learning (RL) in cybersecurity that combines intelligence preparation for battle (IPB) concepts with multi-agent techniques. The authors explain how to conduct path analyses within networks, how to use sensor placement to increase the visibility of adversarial tactics and increase cyber defender efficacy, and how to improve your organization’s cyber posture with RL and illuminate the most probable adversarial attack paths in your networks.
Containing entirely original research, this book outlines findings and real-world scenarios that have been modeled and tested against custom generated networks, simulated networks, and data. [Amazon.com]
Trustworthy AI: From Theory to Practice
2024Ferhat Ozgur Catak and Murat Kuzlu
This comprehensive book covers the concept of trustworthy AI, which is an essential paradigm in today's AI-based system. It is designed for developers, researchers, and end-users seeking a deep understanding of how AI systems are ethical, reliable, and equitable. The book begins by addressing the principles of trustworthy AI and their importance in high-risk applications like healthcare, finance, autonomous vehicles, and law.
The core of this book is an exploration of the six principles of trustworthy AI, i.e. reliability, transparency, fairness, accountability, inclusiveness, privacy, and security. Each principle is thoroughly examined, demonstrating how they interact with AI systems to make them more efficient, and robust but also ethical, and equitable.
This book explores the concept of transparency in depth, highlighting the necessity for AI systems to be understandable and accessible to all stakeholders. Fairness is examined as a critical aspect, focusing on designing and deploying AI systems that mitigate biases and offer equitable outcomes for all. It also covers AI systems' accountability, inclusiveness, privacy, and security. It is a big challenge to develop AI technologies that are advanced in capabilities and uphold the highest ethical standards, building trust among users and stakeholders.
This book is written for anyone involved in AI development, deployment, and testing. It provides theoretical knowledge along with practical guidance. It serves as a comprehensive guide to transforming AI from a powerful tool into a force for good, aligning with human values and principles of fairness and transparency. As a result, readers will gain the knowledge and skill to create effective strategies for trustworthy AI, which is not just technologically advanced but also ethically and socially responsible. [From Amazon.com]
Finite Element Methods: Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions (Second Edition)
2024Duc Thai Nguyen
This new edition includes three new chapters, 7 through 9, that have very broad, practical applications in engineering and science. In addition, the author’s latest research results incorporated into the new textbook demonstrates better performance than the popular METIS software for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill-reducing orderings for sparse matrices. The new Chapter 8, and its pre-requisite, Chapter 7, present a state-of-the-art algorithm for computing the shortest paths for real-life (large-scale) transportation networks with minimum computational time. This approach has not yet appeared in any existing textbooks and it could open the doors for other transportation engineering applications. Chapter 9 vastly expands the scope of the previous edition by including sensitivity (gradient) computation and MATLAB’s built-in function “fmincon” for obtaining the optimum (or best) solution for general engineering problems. [Amazon.com]
Water-Soil-Vegetation Nexus and Climate Change
2024Xixi Wang (Editor)
Water-Soil-Vegetation Nexus and Climate Change presents an overview of research needs and approaches regarding water-soil-vegetation nexus and climate change. The book includes chapters discussing water budget and factors that affect hydrologic processes such as precipitation, runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration, soil water, and groundwater, in addition to a focus on consumptive (e.g., domestic and irrigation) and non-consumptive (e.g., eco-environmental) water uses, and water shortage. Throughout the book, chapters specifically deal with the fundamental principles and also case studies, applications, and decision support tools that can be usable for developing practical management measures in sustaining our eco-environment and society by maintaining an optimal water-soil-vegetation equilibrium. [From the publisher]
Wind Tunnel Test Techniques: Design and Use at Low and High Speeds with Statistical Engineering Applications
2023Colin P. Britcher and Drew Landman
Wind Tunnel Test Techniques: Design and Use at Low and High Speeds with Statistical Engineering Applications provides an up-to-date treatment of the topic. Beginning with a brief history of wind tunnels and its types and uses, the book goes on to cover subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnel design and construction, calibration, boundary corrections, flow quality assessment, pressure surveys, and dynamic testing. It also focuses on wind tunnel facilities, making it useful for both the designer and operator. Engineers and graduate students in aerospace, automotive and similar programs will find this book useful in their work with experimental aerodynamics, gas dynamics, facility design and performance. [Amazon.com]
Gamification for Resilience: Resilient Informed Decision Making
2023Adrian Gheorghe and Polinpapilinho F. Katina
In Gamification for Resilience: Informed Resilient Decision Making, a team of distinguished researchers delivers an insightful and exciting integration of game theory, design, and applications that explains how to create a resilient city that promotes sustainable development, well-being, and inclusive growth. The authors combine several concepts and techniques taken from serious gaming and integrate them into decision-making theory, demonstrating how to enable Resilience-Informed Decision-Making.
The book addresses critical infrastructure systems and how to ensure these systems are supported against manmade and natural threats and hazards. It includes thought-provoking research questions and case applications that will engage and challenge readers and create an active and memorable learning experience. [Amazon.com]
Blockchain-Enabled Resilience: An Integrated Approach for Disaster Supply Chain and Logistics Management
2023Polinpapilinho F. Katina and Adrian Gheorghe
This book provides a first-of-its-kind approach for using blockchain to enhance resilience in disaster supply chain and logistics management, especially when dealing with dynamic communication, relief operations, prioritization, coordination, and distribution of scarce resources — these are elements of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) describing a dynamic environment that now form the "new norm" for many leaders. [From the publisher]
Advances in Powder and Ceramic Materials Science 2023
2023Bowan Li (Editor), Dipankar Ghosh (Editor), Eugene A. Olevsky (Editor), Kathy Wu (Editor), Faqin Dong (Editor), Ruigang Wang (Editor), Alexander D. Dupuy (Editor), and Elisa Torresani (Editor)
This collection emphasizes the advances of powder and ceramic/glass materials in the fundamental research, technology development, and industrial applications. Ceramic materials science covers the science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials, and includes design, synthesis, and fabrication of ceramics, glasses, advanced concretes, and ceramic-metal composites. In recent years, the hybrids of ceramic and metallic materials have received plenty of interdisciplinary inspirations and achievements in material processes and functional applications including ionic conductors, catalysis, energy conversion and storage, superconductors, semiconductor, filtrations, etc. … [Amazon.com]
Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation: A Handbook by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
2023Tuncer Ören (Editor), Bernard P. Zeigler (Editor), and Andreas Tolk (Editor)
Commissioned by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), this needed, useful new ‘Body of Knowledge’ (BoK) collects and organizes the common understanding of a wide collection of professionals and professional associations. This seminal handbook addresses fundamental and core topics of the discipline of modeling and simulation, covering key foundations and application domains. [From the Publisher]
Formal Power Series Methods in Nonlinear Control Theory
2022W. Steven Gray
A collection of Dr. Gray’s lectures notes that introduce techniques for the analysis of nonlinear control systems rooted in the theory of formal power series and their associated combinatorial algebras.
Complex System Governance: Theory and Practice
2022Charles B. Keating (Editor); Polinpapilinho F. Katina (Editor); Charles W. Chesterman, Jr. (Editor); and James C. Pyne (Editor)
This book explores Complex System Governance (CSG)―an emerging field concerned with the design, execution, and evolution of essential functions necessary to ensure continued viability of a system. The book focuses on three primary development areas to better understand and utilize current developments CSG. First, the conceptual foundations for CSG are developed, from systems theory, management cybernetics, and governance. Second, a set of critical CSG topics are examined from conceptual as well as practice perspectives. Third, several development and application issues are discussed. Ultimately, CSG is positioned as an emerging field with strong theoretical grounding and significant implications for improving practices and performance to better address complex systems and their problems. [Amazon.com]
Simulation and Wargaming
2022Charles Turnitsa (Editor), Curtis Blaise (Editor), and Andreas Tolk (Editor)
Based on the insights of experts in both domains, Simulation and Wargaming comprehensively explores the intersection between computer simulation and wargaming. This book shows how the practice of wargaming can be augmented and provide more detail-oriented insights using computer simulation, particularly as the complexity of military operations and the need for computational decision aids increases. [Amazon.com]
Modelling Semiarid Water-Soil-Vegetation Systems in a Changing Climate
2022Xixi Wang
Water-soil-vegetation dynamic nexuses affect, and are affected by, both human activity and climate change. For a given area, inappropriate land management practices can result in soil and vegetation degradation, which in turn will likely alter natural hydrologic processes, leading to more frequent and severe flooding and drought. In response, an altered hydrologic condition tends to prompt soil erosion by wind and water, which can cause further vegetation degradation or even loss. Such nexuses will likely become more interwoven in changing climate because the non-stationary climate can further deteriorate the already-altered hydrologic condition. So far, our understanding is incomplete regarding how such nexuses maintain or break equilibriums between water, soil, and/or vegetation in terms of eco-environmental resilience. This book: 1) conceptualises the interrelated physical processes of water-soil-vegetation systems; 2) introduces mathematical models for simulating the processes; and 3) develops a variety of modelling cases of selected systems across the world.
Currently, there are no books focusing on this topic though some incomplete information has been scattered in various peer-reviewed journals and project reports. This book provides a systematic elucidation of this important topic and serves as a one-stop information source. Upon reading this book, the reader can apply the materials to conduct advanced research on this topic and develop practical measures in protecting fragile vegetation ecosystems and confronting climate change. The broader application is to prevent land degradation and desertification as induced by climate change and human activities (e.g., development and grazing). [From the back cover]
Open Channel Hydraulics
2021A. Osman Akan and Seshadri Iyer
Open Channel Hydraulics, Second Edition provides extensive coverage of open channel design, with comprehensive discussions on fundamental equations and their application to open channel hydraulics. The book includes practical formulas to compute flow rates or discharge, depths and other relevant quantities in open channel hydraulics. In addition, it also explains how mutual interaction of interconnected channels can affect the channel design. With coverage of the theoretical background, practical guidance to the design of open channels and other hydraulic structures, advanced topics, the latest research in the field, and real-world applications, this new edition offers an unparalleled user-friendly study reference. [From the publisher]
Ultrashort Electric Pulse Effects in Biology and Medicine
2021Stephen J. Beebe (Author), Ravi Joshi (Author), Karl Schoenbach (Author), and Shu Xiao (Author)
This book presents an overview of the current state of research on ultrashort electric field pulses of high intensity and their use in biology and medicine. It examines in detail the most recent and exciting advances in how nanosecond and picosecond electric pulse research has grown and expanded into new areas of biology and medicine.
Further, the book specifically focuses on electric pulses in the time domain, on intracellular effects as opposed to plasma membrane electroporation, and highlights the biological and medical applications of these unique pulse effects. Since the authors were initial innovators exploring nanosecond and picosecond pulses, their unique perspectives foreshadowed directions the research took, expanding into new areas that they continue to investigate today. [Amazon.com]
Digitalization of Power Markets and Systems Using Energy Informatics
2021Umit Cali, Murat Kuzlu, Manisa Pipattanasomporn, James Kempf, and Linquan Bai
The objective of this textbook is to introduce students and professionals to fundamental principles and techniques and emerging technologies in energy informatics and the digitalization of power markets and systems. The book covers such areas as smart grids and artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed ledger technology (DLT), with a focus on information and communication technologies (ICT) deployed to modernize the electric energy infrastructure. It also provides an overview of the smart grid and its main components: smart grid applications at transmission, distribution, and customer level, network requirements with communications technologies, and standards and protocols. In addition, the book addresses emerging technologies and trends in next-generation power systems, i.e., energy informatics, such as digital green shift, energy cyber-physical-social systems (E-CPSS), energy IoT, energy blockchain, and advanced optimization. Future aspects of digitalized power markets and systems will be discussed with real-world energy informatics projects. The book is designed to be a core text in upper-undergraduate and graduate courses such as Introduction to Smart Grids, Digitalization of Power Systems, and Advanced Power System Topics in Energy Informatics. [Amazon.com]
Engineering Managerial Economic Decision and Risk Analysis: Economic Decision-Making and Risk Analysis
2021Teddy Steven Cotter
This book directs the engineering manager or the undergraduate student preparing to become an engineering manager, who is or will become actively engaged in the management of economic-risk trade-off decisions for engineering investments within an organizational system. In today’s global economy, this may mean managing the economic risks of engineering investments across national boundaries in international organizations, government, or service organizations. As such, this is an applied book. The book’s goal is to provide an easy to understand, up to date, and coherent treatment of the management of the economic-risk trade-offs of engineering investments. This book accomplishes this goal by cumulatively sequencing knowledge content from foundational economic and accounting concepts to cost estimating to the traditional engineering economics knowledge culminating in fundamental engineering managerial economic decision-making incorporating risk into engineering management economic decisions.[Amazon.com]
Edge Computing and IoT Systems, Management and Security: First EAI International Conference, ICECI 2020, Virtual Event, November 6, 2020: Proceedings
2021Hongbo Jiang (Editor), Hongyi Wu (Editor), and Fanzi Zeng (Editor)
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Conference Edge Computing and IoT, ICECI 2020, held in November 2020 in Changsha, China. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The rapidly increasing devices and data traffic in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) era are posing significant burdens on the capacity-limited Internet and uncontrollable service delay. The 11 full papers of ICECI 2020 were selected from 79 submissions and present results and ideas in the area of edge computing and IoT.
Applied intelligence and informatics first International Conference, AII 2021, Nottingham, UK, July 30-31, 2021, Proceedings
2021Mufti Mahmud (Editor), M. Shamim Kaiser (Editor), Nikola Kasabov (Editor), Khan Iftekharuddin (Editor), and Ning Zhong (Editor)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Informatics, AII 2021, held in Nottingham, UK, in July 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held in a fully virtual mode. The 26 full papers and 4 short papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the total 107 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: application of AI and informatics in disease detection; application of AI and informatics in healthcare; application of AI and informatics in pattern recognition; application of AI and informatics in network, security, and analytics; emerging applications of AI and informatics.
Dynamic Response of Advanced Ceramics
2021Ghatu Subhash, Amnaya Awasthi, and Dipankar Ghosh
In Dynamic Response of Advanced Ceramics, an accomplished team of internationally renowned researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of foundational and advanced concepts in experimental, analytical, and computational aspects of the dynamic behavior of advanced structural ceramics and transparent materials. The book discusses new techniques used for determination of dynamic hardness and dynamic fracture toughness, as well as edge-on-impact experiments for imaging evolving damage patterns at high impact velocities. [Amazon.com]
Water Resources and Hydraulics
2021Xixi Wang
This exciting new textbook introduces the concepts and tools essential for upper-level undergraduate study in water resources and hydraulics. Tailored specifically to fit the length of a typical one-semester course, it will prove a valuable resource to students in civil engineering, water resources engineering, and environmental engineering. It will also serve as a reference textbook for researchers, practicing water engineers, consultants, and managers. The book facilitates students' understanding of both hydrologic analysis and hydraulic design. Example problems are carefully selected and solved clearly in a step-by-step manner, allowing students to follow along and gain mastery of relevant principles and concepts. These examples are comparable in terms of difficulty level and content with the end-of-chapter student exercises, so students will become well equipped to handle relevant problems on their own. Physical phenomena are visualized in engaging photos, annotated equations, graphical illustrations, flowcharts, videos, and tables. [Amazon.com]
Design of Coastal Hazard Mitigation Alternatives for Rising Seas
2020David Basco
This timely book is about how to design alternatives to reduce coastal flood and wave damage, erosion, and loss of ecosystems facing an unknown future of sea level rise. The latest theories are interlaced with applied examples from the authors' 48 years of experience in teaching, research, and as a practicing, professional engineer in coastal engineering. The design process takes into consideration all the design constraints (scientific, engineering, economic, environmental, social/political/institutional, aesthetic, and media) to meet today's client needs, expectations, and budgets for an uncertain future.
The book is organized as a textbook for graduate students. And, it is a self-contained reference for government and consulting engineers responsible for finding solutions to coastal hazards facing the world's coastal populations. New solutions are included in the book that help people of all socio-economic levels living at the coast. Both risk reduction metrics quantified in monetary terms, and increased resilience metrics quantified as vulnerability reduction must now be taken into consideration to make equitable design decisions on hazard mitigation alternatives.
In the Anthropocene Era, under "deep uncertainty" in global mean sea level predictions for the future, today's designs must mitigate today's storm damages, and be adaptable for the unpredictable water levels and storms of the future. This book includes a design "philosophy" for water levels to year 2050 and for the long term from 2050 to 2100. Multiple spreadsheets are provided and organized to aid the design process
Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging 6th International Workshop and Challenge, CSI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 17, 2019, Proceedings
2020Yunliang Cai (Editor), Liansheng Wang (Editor), Michel Audette (Editor), Guoyan Zheng (Editor), and Shuo Li (Editor)
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Workshop and Challenge on Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging, CSI 2019, which was held in conjunction with MICCAI on October 17, 2019, in Shenzhen, China. All submissions were accepted for publication; the book contains 5 peer-reviewed regular papers, covering topics of vertrebra detection, spine segmentation and image-based diagnosis, and 9 challenge papers, investigating (semi-)automatic spinal curvature estimation algorithms and providing a standard evaluation framework with a set of x-ray images. [From the publisher]]
A Framework of Human Systems Engineering
2020Holly A. H. Handley (Editor) and Andreas Tolk (Editor)
A Framework of Human Systems Engineering: Applications and Case Studies offers a guide to identifying and improving methods to integrate human concerns into the conceptualization and design of systems. With contributions from a panel of noted experts on the topic, the book presents a series of Human Systems Engineering (HSE) applications on a wide range of topics: interface design, training requirements, personnel capabilities and limitations, and human task allocation.
Each of the book's chapters present a case study of the application of HSE from different dimensions of socio-technical systems. The examples are organized using a socio-technical system framework to reference the applications across multiple system types and domains. These case studies are based in real-world examples and highlight the value of applying HSE to the broader engineering community. [Amazon.com]
Sub- and Supercritical Hydrothermal Technology: Industrial Applications
2020Sandeep Kumar (Editor) and Florin Barla (Editor)
Sub- and Supercritical Hydrothermal Technology: Industrial Applications offers a practical view of a variety of industrial applications and their challenges, offering a deep understanding of the application of sub- and supercritical fluids and their techno-economic viability.
This book covers a wide range of applications of hydrothermal processing that result in almost zero waste, high energy efficiency, sustainable chemical processes, and minimal impact over the life cycle. These applications include processing of hazardous waste, bioproducts, coal, lipids, heavy oil and bitumen, and carbon materials. The use of hot-compressed water instead of different organic solvents, such as methanol, acetone, and hexane, is an environmentally benign, green, and sustainable option which can help to design chemical processes that support green chemistry and engineering. [Amazon.com]
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