Date of Award

Spring 5-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Creative Writing

Committee Director

John McManus

Committee Member

Luisa Igloria

Committee Member

Kent Wascom


Eric Rhymes is dead. He was found at the old Jackson farm, a place many warn is haunted. In the town of Hemlock, Michigan, though, ghosts are all too common. The town is full of them, full of a history that details the slow decline of a region. It is a graveyard of crumbling factories, empty storefronts, foreclosed properties, and lonely train tracks. For every street, every home, every farm, there is said to be a story, and Daniel Meyers believes them all. In the wake of the latest tragedy, Dan begins looking at the history and scars of the community with a closer eye. But Dan’s own feelings for his older brother’s best friend, Sam, have become a haunting of their own. Embracing those feelings, Dan sets in motion a chain of events that will forever change him. You Are the Right One is the story of youthful yearnings, of nostalgic melancholy, and the inability to make peace with the past, the worst kind of haunting.


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Available for download on Wednesday, June 16, 2032
