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沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集 (Okinawa Christian University Review)






For nearly all of history things, creatures, and people came and went; leaving little, if anything, behind in their wake. Life in the 21st century has changed this natural pattern of existence, blurring the lines of what it is (and what it means) to dwell within the world. Physical things and people are now existing simultaneously in the digital realms as doppelgängers composed of coded data. Now, things and people are both embodied and disembodied: simultaneously. Data, individual and collective, pours into the digital oceans; a tumultuous sea of [dis]embodied-being translated into the language of electricity and silicon. The forms left in the wake of embodied dwelling have forever changed and now, data-- the Poseidon of this metaphor, reigns supreme. Each individual connected to the digital world, and countless "things" now live double lives. In an attempt to highlight the form and importance of data, both personal and collective, a prototype “Data ATM” was created. This device is meant to highlight the ways in which data is collected, black boxed, and then used in ways outside the purview of the people and things from which it was collected. This real-world Arduino based prototype has been built to bridge the gap between the abstraction that is personal data and the familiar life-worlds in which people dwell.


Articles published in the Okinawa Christian University Review are open access.

Original Publication Citation

Nieubuurt, J. (2022). Rethinking Data: Algorithms, Black Boxes, and Bias through the Data ATM. 沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集, (19), 17-24.
