
News & Call for Articles


Case reports that wish to be considered for Issue 1 of EVMJ must be submitted by September 15, 2024. Later submissions will be considered for the following issue.


Nominations for the Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) are now being accepted. The EAB will be composed of EVMS Graduate Medical Education at Old Dominion University faculty members who represent the spectrum of training programs sponsored by EVMS at ODU. EAB members will facilitate the peer review process for submitted manuscripts, advise the Editor-in-Chief on publication decisions, review submissions, and contribute content to the journal. Nominations, including self-nominations, are welcome for employed or community faculty at any career stage.

Please submit a letter of interest and CV to the Editor-in-Chief, Sean Hesselbacher, MD, eJournalEditorEVMS@evms.edu


Eastern Virginia Medical Journal is preparing its first issue for online posting in late 2024. We invite Original Research, Quality Improvement, Narrative Reviews, and Letters to the Editor from EVMS Graduate Medical Education at Old Dominion University trainees, faculty, and staff, including resident scholarly activity, curriculum development, and novel content delivery modalities.

Manuscripts should be prepared in clear English and in compliance with the AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition. Article length is less important than thoughtful, detailed attention to the topic or issue.

Accepted manuscripts will be edited in conformity with journal standards and authors will receive galleys for prepublication review.

Manuscripts may be submitted to the journal at digitalcommons.odu.edu/evmj