https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-1729-7544


College of Education & Professional Studies (Darden)


Teaching & Learning

Graduate Level


Graduate Program/Concentration

Curriculum & Instruction

Publication Date





Clinical practice within teacher residencies offers contextually based experiences that are influential in the development of professional teacher identities. Additionally, the stories told by teacher candidates about these experiences are instrumental to this development as narratives and identity are intertwined (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). Consequently, I employed a narrative inquiry to explore the three-dimensional space of time, place, and sociality that teacher candidates encountered for the first part of their clinical practice within a teacher residency. Additionally, I explored challenges each participant faced. Data collection included interviews, observations, and artifacts as each piece of data informed the other. Then, thinking with theory was employed as each participant’s story was told (Jackson & Mazzei, 2012). Specifically, Anzaldúa’s (1987) identity theories were used as a lens to make meaning. Using this lens resulted in bringing to the forefront borders, borderlands, and bridges that each participant faced as they were becoming someone new. These borders and bridges were influential to the shaping of participants’ professional identities, and they manifested in aspects of the people, places, and time associated with the stakeholders of the teacher residency. Hybrid spaces and roles were also beneficial for identity development. Subsequently, there is need for continued pursuit of co-construction amongst stakeholders as well as intentional borderland discourses that support teacher candidates in negotiating their professional teacher identities.


Clinical practice, teacher residency, professional identity, teacher candidates, narrative inquiry, Anzaldúa


Elementary Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development



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The Narratives of Teacher Candidates in Clinical Practice Within Aa Teacher Residency: The Shaping of Professional Teacher Identities
