Date of Award

Summer 1995

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Urban Services--Health Services

Committee Director

George Maihafer

Committee Member

Leonard I. Ruchelman

Committee Member

Maurice Berube

Committee Member

Brenda Nichols

Committee Member

Clare Houseman


This ex post facto study explored the effects of national culture on work-related values and job satisfaction between American and Filipino registered nurses. Three questionnaires were used: Hofstede's Values Survey Module 94, the Survey of Work Values and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. The all-female sample comprised 88 American and 56 Filipino registered nurses employed at an urban acute care facility in South Hampton Roads, Virginia.

A major finding of the study is the direction and intensity of the country scores in the Values Survey Module 94, especially in the Filipinos' scores. The masculinity value was reported as strongly feminine for both cultures, both groups were highly individualistic, with a low power distance and a high uncertainty-avoidance. Both Americans and Filipino samples measured similarly on long-term orientation. These results contrast with Hofstede's 1980 findings, with the rival hypotheses of gender, occupation, time and country as possible explanations for the differences in scores between the current study and Hofstede's.

Results of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire were analyzed using independent sample t tests, failing to find significant differences between the two cultural groups on the three dependent variables of general satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction. However, when a two-way ANOVA was performed using both culture and specialty practice as independent variables, significant levels of interaction at the $p

Recommendations for management of the diverse health care workforce are presented. This study supports the belief that traditional ways of managing our increasingly diverse workforce may need to be adjusted to better meet our employee's needs. As the health care environment continues to evolve, downsize and rightsize, cultural diversity takes on new meanings as most of the growth in the workforce will be represented by women and minorities.


