Date of Award

Spring 1991

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Peter Stewart

Committee Member

Carl Boyd

Committee Member

Patrick Rollins

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H47P67


This thesis investigates how the United States Navy, with assistance from the Army and Coast Guard, utilized the various aspects of antisubmarine warfare to protect, the Chesapeake Bay and the maritime trade within the Fifth Naval District from the menace of Germany's U-boats during World War II. The details of how these efforts began and were carried out are described.

This thesis complements the other histories of antisubmarine warfare during World War II, which have not emphasized the defenses established for the Chesapeake Bay and the Fifth Naval District. The strenuous, and successful efforts by America's armed forces and the actual fighting and dying that took place here deserve a fair recounting.

The resources available in the library and archives of the Naval Historical Center in Washington, D.C. have been used extensively. Other sources include museums and archives in Virginia, local historians, veterans of the war, and records in private collections.


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