Date of Award

Spring 1976

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Ralph F. de Bedte

Committee Member

Darwin Bostick

Committee Member

Carl Boyd

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H47 P63


The American reaction to a critical act of aggression is studied in its many facets. Using a case study approach, the Administration's response to the Anschluss is considered in detail and conclusions are drawn regarding the Anschluss problem specifically and the foreign policy of the Roosevelt Administration in general. Among the repercussions are the diplomatic reaction, the dispute over the pending sale of helium, the Austrian debt, the refugee problem and other problems of a more technical nature which often arise in the forcible takeover of a nation. The State Department and the Administration do not emerge as successful manipulators of events and circumstances. Policy was often applied in a seemingly arbitrary fashion and with great inconsistency. The study is extremely critical of the Administration's foreign policy.


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