Date of Award

Fall 1983

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Conrad D. Festa

Committee Member

Charles Burgess

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85R86


The topic of this thesis, valuing in the arts, involves the fine and performing arts, cultural values, kinds of education, and the quality of life. The purpose in talking about the value of the arts is to show how and why they have been valued throughout recorded history, to present an approach to art which fosters personal growth and enjoyment in the interaction with the arts, and to present arguments for the continued support by the present society for their encouragement and preservation. I will discuss false impressions about art which have limited the general public's enjoyment of arts, then show ways in which most of us are already familiar with arts concepts. How to view an art object, how aestheticians discuss art and how artists, viewers, and critics perceive art will also be discussed. I anticipate that readers will already have some awareness of the arts, and likely some involvement in one or more of them, but may have only limited acquaintance with a range of art forms, and may still be reluctant to venture further afield. Readers will be encouraged to expand their own present level of acquaintance to realize larger personal growth than was heretofore experienced or expected.


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