Date of Award

Spring 1993

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

William Patrick

Committee Member

Michael Pearson

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85E93


Stand and Run is an original screenplay about a woman who has run from her troubled past all her life. Since she was a teenager, Adel Wallis wanted to be a reporter. Although in her thirties and working for a newspaper, she still hasn't reached her goal. Adel decides to use whatever necessary to advance her career including sex with the boss. After a brief romance, she realizes the Managing Editor, Mack Daniels, is obsessive and abusive. She ends the affair but he continues the innuendos and sexual advances implying the affair 1s on-going. When she confronts Mack about his behavior, he attacks her. Adel retaliates. She is arrested and fired. Trying to clear herself of criminal charges, Adel befriends his adolescent daughter, Reesa, who is a deaf--mute. Soon Adel finds herself safe--guarding Mack's daughter and the primary suspect in Mack Daniels' murder. On the run from the authorities a strong bond of trust develops between Adel and Reesa. It is under these circumstances that miracles take places and healing can occur. Who killed Mack Daniels? How many times must history repeat itself before Adel Wallis learns when to stand and when to run?


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