Date of Award

Fall 1993

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Douglas Greene

Committee Member

Edward Jacobs

Committee Member

Erlene Hendrix

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85C3


DOK is an original screenplay in which DOK blames his brother, Jim, for the death of his wife and son. Jim accepts that blame. DOK handles his grief by wandering from place to place, whereas Jim finds solace through alcohol. They meet up two years later in the town of Ayre. Jim, a reporter, is there to cover DOK's arrest by Special Agent Bill Withers. Jim is unaware that DOK, real name Daniel, is his brother. In quick succession: DOK is released from jail, Withers runs a drunken Jim off the road, and DOK finds and treats Jim. Jim, while unconscious, recalls how DOK's wife and child were actually killed. DOK, in the meantime, decides to give himself up, but before he can, he saves several children injured in a collision caused by Withers. Withers, knowing he's about to die, tells the sheriff what Jim recalled when he became conscious.


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