Date of Award

Fall 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Donald Zeigler

Committee Member

Tom Chapman

Committee Member

Avi Santo

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85 G366 2014


The Chesapeake Bay and its 64,000 square mile watershed are both severely impacted from excessive amounts of nutrient pollution, which contributes to a growing presence of dead zones in the Bay. What causes nutrient pollution? What are dead zones? In addition, many of the Bay's commercially valuable species of marine life have been/ are overexploited to the point of collapse / verge of collapse. Despite all of these facts, management agencies continue to weakly enforce regulations. Why?

Not to mention, much of the Bay's marine life is unsustainably caught in the contaminated waters of Hampton Roads. How, and for what? From past to present, there has been many lingering ideologies of colonialism that have impacted the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its fisheries. With the Bay's overall health being severely out of equilibrium, how can unsustainable environmental practices continue to thrive in and around the Chesapeake Bay?


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