Date of Award

Summer 1995

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Harold Wilson

Committee Member

Lawrence Hatab

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85 C78


Myths are metaphors. They are stories, sometimes handed down through hundreds of years, which help put man or a culture in accord with nature, to reconcile mankind to the harsh realities of life. Society's heroes, acting through the archetypal hero monomyth, serve as the personification of a culture's mythology. Through the hero, a society may reconcile with nature and those external forces which influence our lives.

This paper examines the historical development of the hero myth, the archetypal hero role that Robert E. Lee filled for the Southern people during the American civil War and the role that photography played in forming that image of Lee, the development of photography in America from 1839 through the 1860s, the role of Southern photographers during the war, and the apotheosis and image of Lee.


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