Date of Award

Fall 1985

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Alf J. Mapp, Jr.

Committee Member

Marian Pauson

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85L42


The following works fall into three general categories--non-fiction, fiction, and the psychological analysis of this prose.

Three styles of non-fiction are represented: Creative non-fiction in which the events from a life experience are set forth in a narrative style; magazine journalism which incorporates the research, interviewing skills and informal yet accurate representation attendant to the genre; and a combination of reportorial journalism and the essay forms utilized to recount appropriately a highly personal event while maintaining the· distance necessary to inform and educate.

The short story meets the criteria for form and time frame and addresses a current issue.

The analysis suggests at least some of the forces which had to be active in the creative act in order for the content to have meaning and mission.

Finally, a sense of history and psychology permeates the obvious literary emphasis in this creative thesis.


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