Date of Award

Fall 1991

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Wayne Ude

Committee Member

Carolyn H. Rhodes

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85W55


Ninety-nine and One-half is a novella about a young man's journey from self-doubt to self-revelation which parallels his physical journey from a coma to an awakening. In twenty spare chapters the memories of his life before the coma are intertwined with the actions of his family and friends after he becomes comatose. Through the young man's memories and the reflections about him by the other characters, the reader sees what has led the young man to an almost fatal indecision. The resolution of the novella comes when the young man adequately distances himself from the guilt, fear, and unhappiness that restrained him in life before the coma and then chooses to master his fate.


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