Date of Award

Fall 1987

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Barbara Weissberger

Committee Member

Joyce Szabo

Committee Member

Charles Burgess

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.H85L35


Eduardo Ramirez Villamizar is a twentieth century Colombian sculptor who is, like many of his contemporaries, intent on the creation of art that is particularly Latin American in character. In pursuit of this goal, he relies on an innate spirituality and on inspiration from his visual memory. His work demonstrates an unconscious bond with artists of the Pre-Columbian societies and shows a recognized appreciation of their techniques of visual expression.

An overview of Pre-Columbian art and culture, as well as a review of the development of Latin American art with special emphasis on the art of Colombia, provide a basis for comparison of Pre-Columbian works with the sculpture of Ramirez Villamizar.

Carl Jung's theory of creativity is used to explain a propensity for particular forms that the Pre-Columbian artist and Ramirez Villamizar hold in common. Since, in both cases, the goal is the expression of that which is felt rather than that which is seen, the transformation of natural form is the preferred means of expression.

Selected works, many seen and photographed by the author, are used to demonstrate the shared preference for simplification of form, monumentality, and ambiguous surface treatment. The symbolic shell shape, as used by Ramirez Villamizar, is discussed and emphasis is placed on the philosophical and visual integration of art forms.


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