Instructional Message Design, Volume 3
0000-0002-7210-5800 (Ramlatchan)
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Spring 2024
Publication Title
Instructional Message Design: Theory, Research, and Practice (Volume 3)
27 pp.
Multimedia learning theory describes how the designers of instructional messages, systems and learning environments can optimize learning. The principles and heuristics of multimedia learning theory have application in traditional and online environments, with young and adult learners, in K-12, higher education, military, corporate, government, and informal learning environments. This diversity of application is based on the foundational premise that all learners can independently process auditory and visual information, have limited working memory resources, and require cognitive resources to process new information and to learn. This chapter describes the basic tenets of multimedia learning theory, best practices that can improve our message design and communication, and exciting future directions that we can take new research.
Repository Citation
Ramlatchan, Miguel, "Chapter 02: Multimedia Learning Theory and Instructional Message Design" (2024). Instructional Message Design, Volume 3. 9.
Included in
Educational Methods Commons, Educational Psychology Commons, Educational Technology Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons
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