William Carroll, 1st Annual Arts Reunion
Document Type
Featured Participant
Festival Date
Webb Center, Rooms 148-150
Author/Artist Bio
William Carroll teaches at Norfolk State. He has been a member of numerous panels and institutes on black literature and, at Norfolk State, was among the founders of the Transitional English Program, one of the foremost language development programs in the South. He is presently revising for publication his critical biography of George Moses Horton.
Discussion of the Black Writer in America: After Michael S. Harper read from his works, a well-informed panel, which included Mr. Harper, Margaret Simmons (Hampton Institute), William Carroll (Norfolk State), and the prominent scholar Blyden Jackson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), discussed the rage and glory of the black writer today. The reading and discussion occurred at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, September 25, 1978 in Webb Center, Rooms 148-150.
Recommended Citation
Carroll, William, "William Carroll, 1st Annual Arts Reunion" (1978). 1st Annual ARTS Reunion at ODU: September 25-29, 1978. 7.
No video available.