David Bradley, 4th Annual ODU Literary Festival


David Bradley

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Kaufman Hall Auditorium; Rooms 148-150, Webb Center

Author/Artist Bio

In what has already been called one of the most haunting and engaging novels of 1981, David Bradley skillfully weaves the present and the past in The Chaneysville Incident, the gripping story of a young black historian's search for the secrets behind the deaths of his slave grandfather and moonshiner father. Ten years in the making, The Chaneysville Incident is proving itself to be a major work. Critics compare its narrative power to Styron's The Confessions of Nat Turner, and its scope and vision to Alex Haley's Roots. Bradley is also the author of South Street and is a professor of English at Temple University.


David Bradley gave a fiction reading at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, October 5, in the Kauffman Hall Auditorium.

He also presented an afternoon talk on "The Self and the Writing Process," at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, October 6 in Rooms 148-150, Webb Center.

His appearance on campus is courtesy of ODU's Cultural Events and Convocation Committee.


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