Bruce Weigl, 11th Annual ODU Literary Festival


Bruce Weigl

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Newport News Room, Webb Center

Author/Artist Bio

Bruce Weigl, a member of the Associated Writing Programs Board of Directors, is the author of five books of poetry: A Sackfill of Old Quarrels, Executioner, A Romance, The Monkey Wars and most recently Song of Napalm (1988). His poetry, essays, articles and reviews have appeared in many periodicals. His work has received a Pushcart Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, a Breadloaf Fellowship, and a Yaddo Fellowship. During 1967-68 he served with the First Air Cavalry in Vietnam; in 1985 he revisited Vietnam. A former member of the creative writing faculty at Old Dominion University, he now teaches at Pennsylvania State University.


Bruce Weigl read from his poetry at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 5, in the Newport News Room of Webb Center.


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