Charles Johnson, 15th Annual ODU Literary Festival


Charles Johnson

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Chandler Recital Hall

Author/Artist Bio

Charles Johnson, recipient of the 1990 National Book Award in fiction, is Pollock Professor of English at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is author of the novels Middle Passage, Oxherding Tale, and Faith and the Good Thing; the story collection, The Sorcerer's Apprentice; the literary study, Being and Race: Black Writing Since 1970; and two collections of drawings, Black Humor and Half-Past Nation Time. He has published over 1000 drawings, and is the author of several PBS dramas, among them "Booker", which received the 1985 Writers Guild Award and International PrixJeunesse Award, and "Charlie Smith and the Fritter Tree", recently broadcast on the Disney channel. He is a monthly book reviewer for the Los Angeles Times, fiction editor of the Seattle Review, and former director of the Creative Writing Program at Washington. In Seattle, Mr. Johnson is co-director of Twin Tigers, a martial arts studio.


Johnson read on Thursday, October 8,1992 at 7:30 p.m.


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