Michael Pearson, 16th Annual ODU Literary Festival


Michael Pearson

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Newport News Room, Webb Center

Author/Artist Bio

Michael Pearson is a nonfiction writer whose first book, Imagined Places: Journeys Into Literary America, was listed as one of the Notable Books of the Year by The New York Times. He has written for magazines and newspapers—scholarly essays, creative work, and journalism. In the last few years, in particular, he has written for the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the Boston Globe, and The New York Times. His second book A Place That’s Known: Essays, will be published in February by the University Press of Mississippi. Pearson, who is an associate professor of English at O DU, is presently working on a book of reminiscence and reporting about the Bronx, titled Rest in Peace


Pearson read with Reginald McKnight on Tuesday, October 5, 1993 at 3:00 p.m. at the Newport News Room, Webb Center.


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