Eleanor Wilner, 19th Annual ODU Literary Festival
Document Type
Featured Participant
Festival Date
Hampton/Newport News Room, Webb Center
Author/Artist Bio
Eleanor Wilner is the author of four books of poems, Otherwise, Sarah’s Choice, Shekinah (The University of Chicago Press), Maya (University of Massachusetts Press), and a book on visionary imagination, Gathering the Winds (The Johns Hopkins University Press). Her work appears in many anthologies, including The Norton Anthology of Poetry 1996 and Best Poems of 1990 (Collier/Macmillan). Her awards include a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the Juniper Prize, The Warren Fine Poetry Prize, and The Edward Stanley Award (Prairie Schooner). She has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. She holds a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins, and has taught at many colleges and universities, most recently as Distinguished Visiting Writer at the University of Hawaii. She teaches in the M.F.A. Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, is a contributing editor for Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women, and a lifelong activist for civil rights and peace
Wilner read on Thursday , October 10, 1996 at the Hampton/Newport News Room in Norfolk, Virginia at 10:30 am.
Recommended Citation
Wilner, Eleanor, "Eleanor Wilner, 19th Annual ODU Literary Festival" (1996). 19th Annual Literary Festival at ODU: October 10-13, 1996. 1.
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