Pablo Medina, 25th Annual ODU Literary Festival


Pablo Medina

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Mills Godwin 102

Author/Artist Bio

Pablo Medina was born and lived his childhood in Havana, Cuba, before moving with his family to New York. His most recent works include two books of poetry: Puntos de apoyo, and The Floating Island. A novel, The Return of Felix Nogara, was published in 2000 and a memoir, Exiled Memories: A Cuban Childhood, was recently revised and published in an updated version. He is currently on the faculty of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College in North Carolina, and teaches at New School University in New York, where he also serves as director of Eugene Lang College's writing program. Medina is on the Board of Directors of The Associated Writing Programs.


Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002 at 2:00 p.m.

Three members, who are the of the Board of Directors of the Associated Writing Programs, bring to our Festival what they bring to the Board - individuality, diversity, and accomplishment. Allison Joseph. Pablo Medina, and Mark Winegardner read from their own works.

Co-sponsored by the Associated Writing Programs


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