Peggy Shumaker, 25th Annual ODU Literary Festival


Peggy Shumaker

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Mills Godwin 102

Author/Artist Bio

Peggy Shumaker taught at Old Dominion University from 1986-1988, and directed the ODU Literary Festival. Her books of poems include Esperanza's Hair, The Circle of Totems, Braided River, Wings Moist from the Other World, and Underground Rivers. Her essays have been published in A Year in Place, A Road of Her Own, Under Northern Lights, Ascent, and Prairie Schooner. She has been awarded an NEA Fellowship in Poetry, and has served as poet in residence at the Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell. She lives on the bank of the Chena River, and is Professor Emerita at University of Alaska Fairbanks.


Thursday, October 3rd, 2002 at 11:00 a.m.

Each director brings a vision to the ODU Literary Festival, and for 25 years that vision has changed about every two years. Four of those former directors, Evelina Galang, William B. Patrick, Peggy Shumaker, and Wayne Ude, show us, once again, their vision-making powers - this time through a reading of their own works.


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