William Henry Lewis, 30th Annual ODU Literary Festival
Document Type
Featured Participant
Festival Date
Chandler Recital Hall, Diehn Fine and Performing Arts Center
Author/Artist Bio
William Henry Lewis is the prizewinning author of two story collections, I Got Somebody in Staunton, and In the Arms of Our Elders. His fiction has appeared in America's top literary journals and anthologies including The Best American Short Stories. Lewis is the recipient of the short fiction prize from the Zora Neale Hurston/ Richard Wright Foundation, the 2006 Black Caucus of the American Library Association Fiction Honor Award, and he was a finalist for the 2005 PEN Faulkner Prize for Fiction.
Lewis read on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 8:00 p.m.
Recommended Citation
Lewis, William Henry, "William Henry Lewis, 30th Annual ODU Literary Festival" (2007). 30th Annual Literary Festival at ODU: October 1-4, 2007. 7.
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