Farah Nosh, 32nd Annual ODU Literary Festival


Farah Nosh

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



Chandler Recital Hall, Diehn Fine and Performing Arts Center

Author/Artist Bio

Farah Nosh is an award-winning photographer who has worked in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, the West Bank, Gaza and Egypt. Her work has appeared in leading international publications, including The New York Times, Time, and Newsweek. Her Iraq work has been exhibited in the United States, London and Dubai. In September 2002, she was based in Iraq, one of the few freelance photographers working in Baghdad under the Saddam Hussein regime. She has returned to Iraq repeatedly, covering both the civilian side and embedding with American military forces. She focuses her work on the war's civilian impact, and considers her work to be humanitarian awareness. In 2006, she covertly moved around Baghdad to produce her award-winning work on severely wounded Iraqis and civilian daily life. Canadian-born Nosh is a guest lecturer at the Western Academy of Photography and Emily Carr University of Art and Design in British Columbia.


Nosh presented on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.


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