Kaitlyn Greenidge, 40th Annual ODU Literary Festival


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Featured Participant

Festival Date



University Theatre

Author/Artist Bio

Kaitlyn Greenidge was born in Boston. She received her MFA from Hunter College. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Elle.com, Lenny Letter, The Believer, American Short Fiction, the Virginia Quarterly, Guernica and other places. She is the recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Lower Manhattan Community Council's Work-Space Program, Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and other prizes. She currently lives in Brooklyn.


Monday, October 2, 1:00 p.m.

John McManus, Co-Director, welcomes the audience and explains the theme of the literary festival of the year and introduces Avi Santo, Director of the Institute of Humanities at ODU. Santo introduces Kaitlyn Greenidge.

Video Runtime: 00:48:52

File Size: 250MB

File Type: Video/Mp4

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