Xuan Juliana Wang, 42nd Annual ODU Literary Festival

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



University Theatre

Author/Artist Bio

Xuan Juliana Wang wrote the debut short story collection, Home Remedies (Hogarth, May 2019). Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Ploughshares, Narrative, The Cut, The Brooklyn Rail and The Pushcart Prize and The Best American Nonrequired Reading anthologies. Wang was a Wallace Stegner Fellow from Stanford University and earned her MFA from Columbia University. She has received fellowships and awards from Yaddo, The MacDowell Colony, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Cite des Arts International, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York Foundation for the Arts, and the Elizabeth George Foundation. She is a fiction editor at Fence. Wang was born in Heilongjiang, China, but after age 7, did most of her growing up in Los Angeles. She currently teaches at UCLA.


Xuan Juliana Wang read from Home Remedies on Wednesday, October 9, at 2:30 p.m. in the University Theatre.


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