MFA Thesis Reading, 43rd Annual ODU Literary Festival
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The ODU MFA Creative Writing Program presents its May 2020 graduates reading excerpts from their thesis manuscripts: James Beardsley, Lyzzie Golliher, David Jacobson, Raoul Lobo, Bhavika Sicka, Hannah Trammell, and Nina White.
Sunday, October 4, 2020, 5 p.m.
Festival Co-directors Katherine Jackson and Luisa Igloria welcomed the audience, giving thanks to all those who helped make the Literary Festival happen during the time of Covid. Katherine Jackson introduced the MFA Creating Writing graduate students.
Video Runtime: 01:08:19
File Size: 190 MB
File Type: Video/mp4
Recommended Citation
Beardsley, James; Golliher, Lyzzie; Jacobson, David; Lobo, Raoul; Sicka, Bhavika; Trammell, Hannah; and White, Nina, "MFA Thesis Reading, 43rd Annual ODU Literary Festival" (2020). 43rd Annual Literary Festival at ODU: October 4-8, 2020. 5.