Jane Alberdeston, 46th Annual ODU Literary Festival

Document Type

Featured Participant

Festival Date



University Theatre

Author/Artist Bio

Jane Alberdeston’s work has been published in various anthologies and journals, such as Step into a World, Bum Rush the Page, Paterson Literary Review, Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, The Acentos Review, Rock and Sling: A Journal of Witness, Manteca! An Anthology of AfroBoricua Poets, and Caribbean Vistas. She is the co-author of the YA novel Sister Chicas, and the novel Colony 51, coming in December 2023. She is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Old Dominion University.


The reading took place on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 4 p.m. in the University Theatre at Old Dominion University. Alberdeston read as part of the Faculty Readings session which included Marianne Chan.

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