47th Annual Literary Festival at ODU: October 6-11, 2024

Andréane Frenette-Vallières: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival

Document Type


Festival Date



University Theatre, Old Dominion University

Author/Artist Bio

Andréane Frenette-Vallières is a French Canadian poet, essayist and researcher living in Québec. Her books, Tu choisiras les montagnes, Sestrales and Juillet, le Nord, are published by Éditions du Noroît and form a writing cycle marked by a feminist approach linked to north-coastal nature of Québec. Winner and finalist of many prizes, the most recent ones include Grand Prix du livre de Montréal 2023 and CALQ's Artist of the year. She regularly participates in public readings and round tables in Quebec, Canada and internationally (France, Morocco, Sweden). Along with her writing practice, she is pursuing a research-creation doctorate in literary studies at Laval University.


The reading took place on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 2 p.m. in the University Theatre.

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