Author Affiliation

Department of Computer Science

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Michael L. Nelson; Michele C. Weigle


Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, Room 1201

Conference Title

Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Student Capstone Conference 2023

Conference Track

Data Science

Document Type



Screenshots are prevalent on social media as a common approach for information sharing. Users rarely verify before sharing screenshots whether they are fake or real. Information sharing through fake screenshots can be highly responsible for misinformation and disinformation spread on social media. There are services of the live web and web archives that could be used to validate the content of a screenshot. We are going to develop a tool that would automatically provide a probability whether a screenshot is fake by using the services of the live web and web archives.


Twitter, Misinformation, Disinformation, Screenshot, Web archives

Start Date


End Date





Apr 20th, 12:00 AM Apr 20th, 12:00 AM

Extracting Information from Twitter Screenshots

Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, Room 1201

Screenshots are prevalent on social media as a common approach for information sharing. Users rarely verify before sharing screenshots whether they are fake or real. Information sharing through fake screenshots can be highly responsible for misinformation and disinformation spread on social media. There are services of the live web and web archives that could be used to validate the content of a screenshot. We are going to develop a tool that would automatically provide a probability whether a screenshot is fake by using the services of the live web and web archives.