Origami-Inspired Declarative Surface Folding Model

Author Affiliation

Department of Computer Science, Old Dominion University

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Andrey Chernikov


Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, Room 1201

Conference Title

Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Student Capstone Conference 2023

Conference Track

General Sciences & Engineering

Document Type



Origami has many applications where a large surface area must be compacted to minimize volume. The proposed approach to model surface folding is based in lightweight formal methods. Alloy’s specification language is used to model folds of a surface consisting of faces to show there is a satisfiable sequence of folds resulting in a desired configuration.


Lightweight formal methods, Origami, Rigid origami

Start Date


End Date


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Apr 20th, 12:00 AM Apr 20th, 12:00 AM

Origami-Inspired Declarative Surface Folding Model

Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, Room 1201

Origami has many applications where a large surface area must be compacted to minimize volume. The proposed approach to model surface folding is based in lightweight formal methods. Alloy’s specification language is used to model folds of a surface consisting of faces to show there is a satisfiable sequence of folds resulting in a desired configuration.