Date of Award

Fall 2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computational Modeling & Simulation Engineering


Modeling and Simulation

Committee Director

Frederic D. McKenzie

Committee Member

John Sokolowski

Committee Member

Lee Belfore

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E53 L68 2007


In the last 10 years, video games have become complex simulation environments with high resolution 3D graphics enabled by powerhouse rendering engines, multi-player client server networks, user friendly displays and graphical user interface , while remaining relatively inexpensive. There is a critical need for systems engineering analysis and rapid trade studies due to changes in operations caused by current events such as terrorist attacks, asymmetric threats, natural disasters, etc. Modem games provide a unique way to visualize and interact with these complex environments, scenarios, missions, and operations. A discrete event simulator (DES) provides an environment to model system architecture behavior, organizational process flow, operational activities, and system performance. The integration of a gaming engine and a DES will allow for the evaluation of concepts of operations in complex, real world scenarios.

The goal of this research is to leverage the advantages of both game engines and DESs to conduct systems engineering analysis in an efficient, feasible, cost effective way. Various game engines, DESs, and applicable architectures for integrating these simulation tools are evaluated and an appropriate framework developed. The resulting integrated simulator is used to evaluate the effectiveness of this hybrid of gaming technology and DES. This is evaluated in a mass casualty scenario using first responders' information exchange with hospital emergency rooms.


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