Date of Award

Spring 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computational Modeling & Simulation Engineering


Modeling and Simulation

Committee Director

Duc T. Nguyen

Committee Member

Yuzhong Shen

Committee Member

Man Wo Ng

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E58 L59 2015


The popular Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm for solving the network equilibrium problems plays an important role in transportation simulation. Not only has the basic Frank Wolfe algorithm been studied, but also other variations of the FW algorithm (such as Conjugate Frank Wolfe and Bi-Conjugate Frank Wolfe algorithms) have been extensively studied by the research communities.

In this work, the basic Frank Wolfe algorithm is re-visited for the purpose of developing a useful, user-friendly, and appealing Java computer animation for enhancing the teaching effectiveness of this fundamental transportation static network equilibrium algorithm. Since the shortest path (SP) algorithms (such as the well-known Label Correcting Algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm) are basic building blocks within the FW algorithm, they are also discussed in this thesis. Different visualization techniques were attempted to display the results of the transportation assignment.

The software tool developed in this thesis will help both students and their instructors master this technical subject and provide a valuable tool for obtaining the solutions for homework assignments, class examinations, and self-assessment studies. Engineering educators who have adopted the flipped classroom instruction mode can also utilize the developed JAVA animation software for students to self-learn these algorithms in their own time, and use valuable class-meeting time for more challenging and practical problem discussions.


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