Date of Award

Spring 1986

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean & Earth Sciences


Geological Sciences

Committee Director

Ramesh Venkatakrishnan

Committee Member

Ali Norwroozi

Committee Member

Stephen J. Culver

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.G4L87


A lineament study from various sources (color-infrared U-2 photos, rectified drainage maps, and aeromagnetic maps) was conducted to develop a conceptual kinematic model for the Richmond Triassic basin area in Virginia. The lineaments were digitized and subjected to a computerized correlation package that compared the statistically significant peaks within 8 km2 grid cells. Spatially filtered significant 10° contoured trends exhibited a high correlation with mapped structures, outcrop patterns, diabase dikes, and aeromagnetic alignments, suggesting that they represent the surface expressions of the boundaries of subsurface structural domains. Structurally important lineament zones include NE-trending lineaments which segment the basin, NNW-trending diabase dikes, and the Hylas Fault Zone.

A kinematic model for the evolution of the Richmond basin is postulated herein and calls for taphrogenesis within an arcuate wrench zone. The model indicates basin formation was accommodated by successive normal faulting along pre-existing NE-trending basement fractures. Detailed analysis of the lineament patterns and diabase dikes appears to indicate sinistral strike-slip movement along the Hylas (border) fault. The model proposed differs from the classic "pull-apart" mechanism which is often suggested for the Newark-trend Triassic basins along the eastern continental margin of the United States.


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