Date of Award

Summer 1975

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean & Earth Sciences



Committee Director

Ray S. Birdsong

Committee Member

Peter F. Blackmore

Committee Member

Chester E. Grosch

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.O35O78


The very minimal amounts of available urbanization data demonstrate that the number of residential dwellings in the Lynnhaven drainage basin increased sharply in the late 1950’s and early 1960's, and that the 1970 basin population density value of 1981 people per square mile is larger than all the burrough density values, except for the Virginia Beach burrough. Due to a lack of data, only qualitative changes in Lynnhaven’s marine environment can be noted. There is a strong suggestion of an increase in amounts of urban storm water run-off into Lynnhaven since 1937. A considerable amount of siltation has occurred since the 1950's. Major changes in the shoreline of the inlet are noted for 1889, 1918, 1948, and 1970. No causative relationships can be shown to explain the increasing water pollution and the resulting commercial shellfish restrictions. At present there is an insufficient amount of data being accumulated with which to manage the ecological environment of Lynnhaven. Recommendations for future action are offered, which include specific baseline and research studies, monitoring programs, administrative suggestions, and preventive measures.


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