Date of Award

Fall 1987

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean & Earth Sciences



Committee Director

George F. Oertel

Committee Member

John C. Ludwick

Committee Member

Carvel Blair

Committee Member

Peter Rosen

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.O35B47


Analysis of 1183 beach profiles from Cape Henry, Virginia indicated that the recession-erosion ''rule" established by the Army Corps of Engineers underestimates the short-term response of the shoreline to changes in sediment volume.

Correlation between bi-weekly backshore volume change and the change in high water line (HWL) position was stronger (0.67 < r < 0.88) than correlation between bi-weekly total volume change and the change in mean low water (MLW) shoreline position (0.33 < r < 0.52). The short-term change in position of MLW is influenced by minor features such as bars. The position of the HWL is controlled by volume change at the backshore.

Correlation between change in HWL and MLW shoreline positions improved from r = 0.01 tor·= 0.67 for intervals of two weeks to two years, respectively. This suggests parallel-shore retreat only may be operable for greater than two-year periods.


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