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1-24 pp.


(First paragraph) In 2017, the Gulf Research Program (GRP) and the Health and Medical Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine hosted a workshop to prepare for and respond to major marine oil spills. To address gaps identified at the workshop, GRP reached out to the Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach Program to host a series of regional workshops. The Sea Grant Oil Spill team, based in the Gulf, partnered with state Sea Grant programs across the country to plan and deliver regional workshops in 2018-2019. The goals of the workshops were to raise awareness of the topical areas related to spills, listen to those directly affected by spills, identify regional level needs and priorities for improving preparedness, promote networking among groups who may not have previously interacted, and identify resources to address gaps. These regional workshops focused on public health, social disruption, and economic impacts with the aim to identify regional-level needs and priorities for improving preparedness. The following reports on the regional Mid-Atlantic Workshop.


Mid-Atlantic workshop is part of the National Academies and Sea Grant collaborative workshop series. Workshop held March 29, 2019 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Original Publication Citation

Walker, G. and Covi, M. (2019). Mid-Atlantic Oil Spill Workshop: Are We Ready? A regional workshop as part of the National Academies and Sea Grant collaborative workshop series. VSG-19-16.


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