0000-0002-8685-129X (Glaubke), 0000-0001-6362-7845 (Schmidt), 0000-0001-6437-5977 (Hertzberg), 0000-0003-0413-9299 (Ward),

Document Type


Publication Date




Publication Title

Geophysical Research Letters






e2023GL107634 (1-12)


The dynamics shaping the El Niño-Southern Oscillation's (ENSO) response to present and future climate change remain unclear, partly due to limited paleo-ENSO records spanning past abrupt climate events. Here, we measure Mg/Ca ratios on individual foraminifera to reconstruct east Pacific subsurface temperature variability, a proxy for ENSO variability, across the last 25,000 years, including the millennial-scale events of the last deglaciation. Combining these data with proxy system model output reveals divergent ENSO responses to Northern Hemisphere stadials: enhanced variability during Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1) and reduced variability during the Younger Dryas (YD), relative to the Holocene. H1 ENSO likely intensified through meltwater-induced changes to ocean/atmospheric circulation, a response observed in models, but the lack of a similar response during the YD challenges model simulations. We suggest the tropical Pacific mean state during H1 primed ENSO for larger fluctuations under meltwater forcing, whereas the YD mean state likely buffered against it.


© 2024 The Authors.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Data Availability

Article states: "All single‐shell trace element data presented in this manuscript are available through the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information at Glaubke et al. (2024). The QUANTIFA model can be accessed through Zenodoat Glaubke (2023)."

Original Publication Citation

Glaubke, R. H., Schmidt, M. W., Hertzberg, J. E., Ward, L. G., Marcantonio, F., Schimmenti, D., & Thirumalai, K. (2024). An inconsistent enso response to northern hemisphere stadials over the last deglaciation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12), 1-12, Article e2023GL107634. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL107634
