Date of Award

Summer 1968

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Director

George Ofelt

Committee Member

Jacob Becher

Committee Member

Forrest P. Clay, Jr.

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.P48B74


The photoionization process of nitrogen was studied using the helium resonance line (584 Å) to excite nitrogen from the ground state to an excited ionic state. The transitions from the second excited state of the ion, N+2B2Σt+u to the ground state of the ion, N+2X2Σ+g, were of particular interest. The nitrogen fluorescence was spectrally analyzed in the region from 2000 Å to 5000 Å , to determine the most prominent bands of the first negative system. Two unresolved bands were observed: the v = 0 to v =.O band at 3914 Å, and the v = 0 to v = 1 band at 4278 Å. The intensity of the band at 3914 Å was greater by a factor of 40 from the intensity of the band at 4278 Å. Although the rotational structure of neither band was resolved, the shapes of the P and R branch envelopes were in agreement with calculated profiles.


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