Date of Award

Spring 1979

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Director

Jacob Becher

Committee Member

Gary Copeland

Committee Member

Chester Reft

Committee Member

R. L. Kernell

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.P48 B36


Three Schott glasses typically used in space technology -­ LaK 21, KzFS N4, and LF 5 -- were irradiated with 85 MeV protons. Induced absorption spectra were determined for each glass after varying fluences of radiation. It was found that the spectra for each glass can be fitted with three Gaussian shaped bands in the near ultraviolet-visible region, while a fourth Gaussian characterizes the absorption edge. For doses up to 107 rads, the dependence of the induced absorption a on total dose is accurately described by the saturating exponential function a(Φ)= as (1 - e--b Φ ) where as (1 – e -bΦ) where as and bare constants dependent on the wavelength and glass type. Similar analyses were performed on data obtained from a previous study into the effects of 7.0 MeV electron irradiation on those same three types of glass. For any one glass, it was found that electrons and protons produced absorption bands with peaks at the same energies but with different saturation levels. For the glasses and energy region investigated, protons form low energy color centers more readily than do electrons, while electrons have a greater influence in creating centers at the higher energies.


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