
J. R. Pybus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
T. Kolar, Tel Aviv University
B. Devkota, Mississippi State University
P. Sharp, The George Washington University
B. Yu, Duke University
O. Hen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E. Piasetzky, Tel Aviv University
S. N. Santiesteban, University of New Hampshire
A. Schmidt, The George Washington University
A. Somov, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Y. Soreq, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
H. Szumila-Vance, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
S. Adhikari, Old Dominion University
C. S. Akondi, Florida State University
C. Ayerbe Gayoso, Mississippi State University
V. V. Berdnikov, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
H. Bhatt, The George Washington University
D. Bhetuwal, Mississippi State University
M. M. Dalton, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
A. Deur, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
R. Dotel, Florida International University
C. Fanelli, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
J. Guo, Carnegie Mellon University
T. J. Hague, North Carolina A&T State University
D. W. Higinbotham, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
N. D. Hoffman, Carnegie Mellon University
P. Hurck, University of Glasglow
I. Jaegle, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
A. Karki, Mississippi State University
W. Li, Stony Brook University
V. Lyubovitskij, Tomsk State University
H. Marukyan, Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory
M. D. McCaughan, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
M. E. McCracken, Washington & Jefferson College
S. Oresic, University of Regina
Z. Papandreou, University of Regina
C. Paudel, Florida International University
S. Ratliff, The George Washington University
E. M. Seroka, The George Washington University
S. Somov, National Research Nuclear University
I. Strakovsky, The George Washington University
K. Suresh, University of Regina
A. Thiel, University of Bonn
B. Zihlmann, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

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Publication Title

Physics Letters B






We report on the results of the first search for the production of axion-like particles (ALPs) via Primakoff production on nuclear targets, ᵧA → aA, in the "SRC-CT" experiment using the GlueX detector at Jefferson Lab. This search uses an integrated luminosity of 100 pb-1 center dot nucleon on a C-12 target with a real photon beam of energies 6 < Eᵧ < 10.8 GeV, and explores the mass region of 200 < m(a) < 450 MeV via the decay a → ᵧᵧ. This mass range is between the pi0 and η meson masses, which enables the use of the measured η meson production rate to obtain absolute bounds on the ALP production with reduced sensitivity to experimental luminosity and detection efficiency. We find no evidence for an ALP, consistent with previous searches in the quoted mass range, and present limits on the effective photon coupling scale of O(1 TeV-1). We further find that the ALP production limit we obtain is hindered by the peaking structure of the non-target-related dominant background the in GlueX spectrometer, which we treat by using data on 4He to estimate and subtract it. We comment on how this search can be improved in a future higher-statistics dedicated measurement.


© 2024 The Authors.

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Data Availability

Article states: "Data will be made available on request."

Original Publication Citation

Pybus, J. R., Kolar, T., Devkota, B., Sharp, P., Yu, B., Hen, O., Piasetzky, E., Santiesteban, S. N., Schmidt, A., Somov, A., Soreq, Y., Szumila-Vance, H., Adhikari, S., Akondi, C. S., Gayoso, C. A., Berdnikov, V. V., Bhatt, H., Bhetuwal, D., Dalton, M. M., . . . Zihlmann, B. (2024). Search for axion-like particles through nuclear Primakoff production using the GlueX detector. Physics Letters B, 855, 2-8, Article 138790.


0000-0001-9288-8008 (Adhikari, Shankar)
