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The European Physical Journal C






867 (1-15)


The energy dependence for the singlet sector of Parton Distributions Functions (PDFs) is described by an entangled pair of ordinary linear differential equations. Although there are no exact analytic solutions, it is possible to provide approximated results depending on the assumptions and the methodology adopted. These results differ in their sub-leading, neglected terms and ultimately they are associated with different treatments of the theoretical uncertainties. In this work, a novel analytic approach in Mellin space is presented and a new methodology for obtaining closed and exponentiated analytic solutions is devised. Different results for the DGLAP evolution at Next-Leading-Order are compared, discussing advantages and disadvantages for each solution. The generalizations to higher orders are addressed.


© The Authors 2024.

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Data Availability

Article states: "This manuscript has no associated data. [Author's comment: There are no data associated to this article.]"

Original Publication Citation

Simonelli, A. (2024). Analytic solutions of the DGLAP evolution and theoretical uncertainties. European Physical Journal C, 84(8), 1-15, Article 867.


0000-0003-2607-9004 (Simonelli)
