Date of Award

Summer 1997

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology & Criminal Justice


Applied Sociology

Committee Director

Randy Gainey

Committee Member

Lucien X. Lambardo

Committee Member

Otto C. Sampson

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.S62 L83


Since the 1970s, law enforcement officials, policy makers and academics have promoted the use of computer-aided dispatch (CAD) as a way of improving both the efficiency and effectiveness of police operations. Past literature on CAD focused on the technology's assumed capabilities for meeting certain goals. However, little if any research has, either objectively or subjectively, tested CAD's ability to meet these goals. This study utilizes subjective data collected from both dispatchers currently using CAD and those who are awaiting its implementation to determine their perceptions of CAD's ability to meet some of these goals. Of primary interest here was CAD' s ability to: I) increase the efficiency and effectiveness of dispatch operations; 2) decrease problems with radio overlapping; 3) improve the overall dispatching procedure; and 4) match the assumptions of CAD's capabilities made in the literature.


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