Date of Award

Summer 1994

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology & Criminal Justice


Applied Sociology

Committee Director

Helen Taylor Greene

Committee Member

Mona Danner

Committee Member

James A. Nolan

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.S62C68


In this research, I examined the similarities and differences between black and white female delinquents. A secondary analysis of the Survey of Youth in Custody, 1987 data was utilized to answer the following research questions: (1) What factors contribute to each group's delinquency the most? (2) Are the factors that contribute to black girls' delinquency significantly different from those factors that contribute to white girls' delinquency? The study was guided by previous research on race and female delinquency, girls' victimization, the role of the family and school performance. The independent variables victimization, family structure, family function and school performance were examined to determine their effect, if any, on each group's delinquency (violent, nonviolent and status offenses). SPSSX was used to analyze the findings. The variables were ranked and scaled to facilitate chi square analyses. Overall, the findings suggest that there are more similarities between black and white girls' delinquency than differences.


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