Date of Award

Spring 2000

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology & Criminal Justice


Applied Sociology

Committee Director

Mona Danner

Committee Member

Dianne C. Carmody

Committee Member

James A. Nolan

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.S62 E37


The decision of whether or not to work while one's children are under school age is one that is faced by millions of women each year. Using data from the General Social Survey, this study was designed to address the research question: What are the factors that influence the decision of a woman with children under school age to work outside the home full-time, part-time or not at all? The specific effects of gender role socialization and investments in human capital were explored in depth. This study found that both gender role socialization and investments in human capital do have a significant effect on the decision to work while children are under school age. Age was also found to significantly affect the decision but the specific effect was unclear.


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