Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Publication Title

Textiles and Tapestries: Self-Study for Envisioning New Ways of Knowing




What does it mean to lead in teacher education? This is a question to which self-study scholars have provided some answers, but there remain opportunities to more deeply explore this question. Although there is an extensive research base in self-study on the transition from teacher to teacher educator (e.g., Williams et al., 2012) and a broader base of scholarship on higher education leadership as department chairs (Buller, 2012; Cipriano & Riccardi, 2010) and the deanship (e.g., Clift et al., 2015; Elliott-Johns, 2015), self-study research into teacher education leadership is still in its relative infancy (Allison & Ramirez, 2020).

In this self-study, we aim to add to this literature base by investigating the simultaneous transition into leadership of Diane as college dean, and Brandon as program director. And, although there exists scholarship that considers the implications of leadership on teacher educator identity (e.g., Clift, 2011; Loughran, 2015), we saw potential to add to this area by drawing on Berry’s (2004, 2007a, 2007b) tensions of teaching by applying those tensions to our experiences in learning and enacting teacher education leadership. As such, we sought to answer the following question, How do we understand ourselves and work related to leadership in teacher education?


© 2020 The authors.

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Bibliographic note: From the section, "Forming New Understandings from Self-Study Research."

Original Publication Citation

Butler, B. M., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2020). Tensions of learning on the job. In C. Edge, A. Cameron-Standerford, & B. Bergh (Eds.), Textiles and tapestries: Self-study for envisioning new ways of knowing (pp. 709-718). Equity Press.
