Interview with Jessica Foster [2015]
Michael Barnes, Old Dominion University
Date of Birth of Primary Interviewee
Gender of Interviewee/s
Race / Ethnicity
American Indian or Alaskan Native
City or County Affiliation of Interviewee
Richmond, VA
Date of Interview
Document Type
Oral History
Audio mp3 file size
615 MB
Audio wav file size
615 MB
Audio runtime
Repository Citation
Foster, Jessica, "Interview with Jessica Foster [2015]" (2015). Richmond, VA. 3.
Rights Statement:
The interviewees retain copyright and related rights to the use of their recorded and written testimonies and memories. You are free to read or use the interviews for educational/research purposes only. If you wish to make further use of the interviews, contact Bridget Anderson (blanders @
Old Dominion University and the student interviewers who carry out the Tidewater Voices project feel a strong ethical responsibility to the people they have interviewed. We ask that researchers approach these materials with respect for the culture and sensibilities of the people whose lives, ideas, and creativity are documented here.